pharmacyYour health matters to you and your loved ones, which is why finding ways to improve upon patient adherence to medication therapy and other treatment programs is invaluable to everyone!  You might not be aware of it, but missing even one dose of your prescribed medication can have an adverse impact on your body.  For example, not taking all of your prescribed antibiotic for an infection can leave a small amount of that bacteria within your body—not a healthy thing, especially for the elderly and very young.

Yes, it’s a fact that clinicians face an ongoing struggle ensuring their patients do follow the advised treatment, but it’s also a fact that simpler methods for improving upon this issue are being discovered all the time.  In the past, more than half of all patients have left their GP’s office, not fully comprehending their condition, or the treatment requirements, but there are now new strategies to lower this percentage and guarantee an improved patient outcome.  Let’s look at some of these together now.

Discover How to Simplify the Treatment Regimen for Patient Adherence

Sometimes all it takes is speaking to patients in simpler language, using layman terms.  More often than not, discussing medication therapy without using medical terminology can improve upon a patient’s understanding, and everyone appreciates that! Just imagine how many times you’ve left your doctor’s office, uncertain of some details that might have been discussed?  So, it makes sense—easier, friendlier language can make a dramatic difference for patients. There is no doubt clinicians will see a higher level of patient adherence when they improve upon the patient/doctor relationship. Listed below are some other simple ways medical providers, pharmacists and other clinicians can simplify the treatment regimen to ensure patient compliance.

  1. Physicians and Pharmacists can form a collaboration to guarantee a higher level of patient compliance.

Due to the fact many physicians spend less than 60 seconds going over prescriptions with patients, pharmacists can step up and fill in the blanks for patients.  Licensed pharmacists know a great deal about drugs and can fully explain why a patient has been prescribed specific substances.  When patients have a better understanding of why they need to take a specific medication, and are assured of no adverse reactions, patient adherence rates go up considerably.

  1. Patients with chronic conditions should be assigned a compassionate patient care coordinator to monitor their medication therapy regimen weekly.

More and more primary care physicians are working out ways critical care patients have access to more resources, with one being a patient care coordinator.  While not all practice’s offer this, numerous ones do.  This can be a resource such as a weekly check in service, or a daily phone call from the care coordinator themselves.  It might involve some form of home health regimen; but of course this is all dependent on insurance benefits and what the patient is willing to accept.  However, this direct patient care approach takes the whole patient into consideration and has been shown to improve the rate of patient compliance dramatically.

  1. Taking a patient centered approach can work wonders when it comes to medication adherence!

Clinicians, pharmacists, health care coordinators, and other healthcare professionals can help patients achieve a better quality of life when they provide complete evaluations, and include their needs in all aspects of care.  From understanding the patient’s lifestyle to discussing what barriers might be impeding patients’ ability to follow their healthcare regimen—patients respond better when there is a personal level of trust and understanding within the doctor/patient relationship.

These simple strategies alone can save up to $100 billion in non-adherence costs to the healthcare system. Also, medical providers can ensure patients have healthier outcomes and lower readmissions to medical facilities as well.  For patients with chronic or infectious diseases like HIV—improved adherence can give a higher quality of life and extend that life too.  Now, don’t you think investing in these various strategies are well worth the outcomes they provide?



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